Monday, July 19, 2010

Soy Formula Unsafe for Babies

Soy Formula Unsafe for Babies: Myths and Truths About Soy
July 16, 2010By Augie
Avoid Soy Prod­ucts– Espe­cially Baby Formula
UPDATE: Did you know that Health Depart­ments all over the nation are now pro­mot­ing raw milk. I have seen bill­boards about the ben­e­fits? The raw milk I am refer­ring to is human breast milk! When breast­feed­ing is not pos­si­ble, health care folks rec­om­mend formula–including soy for­mula. The Amer­i­can Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion warns NOT to mix flu­o­ri­dated city water with dehy­drated for­mula mix due to the toxic effects of the flu­o­ride. But Ger­ber con­tin­ues to add flu­o­ride to bot­tled water for babies as par­ents erro­neously believe it pre­vents cav­i­ties. But when it comes to soy for­mu­las, I wanted to rerun this arti­cle tonight.– Augie


I don’t know about you, but I like most Myths and Truths arti­cles. They are easy to read and sets things in con­trast to what we have been told. I just hope the attor­neys at the ADM cor­po­ra­tion does not sic their PR staff on me. I don’t think the nasty soy car­tel will appre­ci­ate this arti­cle, espe­cially the part that soy for­mula for babies is not safe.Oh. I almost for­got. Most soy beans are genet­i­cally mod­i­fied. (Arti­cle cour­tesy of The Weston A. Price Foun­da­tion– a fab­u­lous site on nutrition)

Myths & Truths About Soy
NOTE: These Myths & Truths as well as our sum­mary of soy dan­gers are pro­vided on our Soy Alert! tri­fold brochure (PDF). You may print this at home or at a copy store for mass dis­tri­b­u­tion. If you wish, you can order quan­ti­ties of pro­fes­sion­ally printed two-color tri­fold brochures for 25 cents each by using the Order Form.

Myth: Use of soy as a food dates back many thou­sands of years.

Truth: Soy was first used as a food dur­ing the late Chou dynasty (1134–246 BC), only after the Chi­nese learned to fer­ment soy beans to make foods like tem­peh, natto and tamari.

Myth: Asians con­sume large amounts of soy foods.

Truth: Aver­age con­sump­tion of soy foods in Japan and China is 10 grams (about 2 tea­spoons) per day. Asians con­sume soy foods in small amounts as a condi­ment, and not as a replace­ment for ani­mal foods.

Myth: Mod­ern soy foods con­fer the same health ben­e­fits as tra­di­tion­ally fer­mented soy foods.

Truth: Most mod­ern soy foods are not fer­mented to neu­tral­ize tox­ins in soy­beans, and are processed in a way that dena­tures pro­teins and increases lev­els of carcinogens.

Myth: Soy foods pro­vide com­plete protein.

Truth: Like all legumes, soy beans are defi­cient in sulfur-containing amino acids methio­n­ine and cys­tine. In addi­tion, mod­ern pro­cess­ing dena­tures frag­ile lysine.

Myth: Fer­mented soy foods can pro­vide vit­a­min B12 in veg­e­tar­ian diets.

Truth: The com­pound that resem­bles vit­a­min B12 in soy can­not be used by the human body; in fact, soy foods cause the body to require more B12

Myth: Soy for­mula is safe for infants.

Truth: Soy foods con­tain trypsin inhibitors that inhibit pro­tein diges­tion and affect pan­cre­atic func­tion. In test ani­mals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors led to stunted growth and pan­cre­atic dis­or­ders. Soy foods increase the body’s require­ment for vit­a­min D, needed for strong bones and nor­mal growth. Phytic acid in soy foods results in reduced bioavail­abilty of iron and zinc which are required for the health and devel­op­ment of the brain and ner­vous sys­tem. Soy also lacks cho­les­terol, like­wise essen­tial for the devel­op­ment of the brain and ner­vous sys­tem. Mega­doses of phy­toe­stro­gens in soy for­mula have been impli­cated in the cur­rent trend toward increas­ingly pre­ma­ture sex­ual devel­op­ment in girls and delayed or retarded sex­ual devel­op­ment in boys.

Con­tinue read­ing: There are more doozies at


Anonymous said...

WOWWW...Thank you for sharing this with us...

One complaint though...You didnt actualy link where I could get this all in brochure form that you spoke of...

Other than that, thank you. said...

formula was developed to be a last resort, to save premature babies. it was not intended to replace breast milk

The Gurney Family said...
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The Gurney Family said...

What are you supposed to do then in the case of a metabolic disorder such galactosemia where milk-based formula or breast milk cannot be given? I hate giving my son soy formula and he isn't growing the way he should, but I'm at a loss as to what to do...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Tane Sim said...

hi everyone, i need helps from you all. My son is having constipation problems as he never go for toilet to shit at all. It is already 1 week ... I'm worrying right now, any solution for this issue? suggest me thanks

Yann said...

ya.. nowadays many kids also got constipation problem la.. bring them our for a walk or do some exerices.. if still cant, maybe give them the stool softener, when the stool is soft, it will help them to pass out easily and wont afraid of painfulness..

Unknown said...


SY Kang said...

My little girl who is 5YO also facing constipation problem..
She had never poopoo for 1 week already. She's now afraid of going to the toilet due to the painfulness. She complained to me everyday that she felt painful.. Im so worry about her!
Any remedies that can cure her constipation? Thank you very much!

Isaac Liew said...

Massage your children's belly every time after meal and cut down the solid food for your kids. I have applied this 2 remedies to my children before and it works good for my children.

boombee said...

if u don't want ur kids getting more worst and end up at hospital, better u bring ur kid first to hospital and meet the doctor. ask doctor to check ur kid. don't simply give something that u think can prevent ur kid's constipation

Unknown said...

I heard my friend told me that Mamil is really good in preventing constipation. Last time her son also faced the similar issue and after she give her son tried mamil for less than few weeks and now no more constipation issue. I also seen many mamil advertising on TV saying mamil ingredient good for children because contain no sugar and high GA and DHA.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

That's bad! Ah hope little one is Ok sometimes a nice warm Bath can help ohh I remember with my daughter warm water quite warm soak some cotton wool to and hold on her anus to stimulate anus... That worked with my daughter she always suffered with constipation bless her

Unknown said...

My DD last time also faced such prob one lehh but thank goodness one of my sister's friend recommended me Mamil where it really help me alot... reduce alot headache and worries.. Mamil indeed can help prevent constipation and since then my DD no more bad stools and stuffs dy, say byebye to constipation

Unknown said...

Need to purposely use milk formula as constipation remedy or not. I use prunes and it works so well for my LO, no constipation at all la.. Plus, Mamil pricing is quite expensive, it is not affordable.. Is there any other brands selling with affordable price?

Unknown said...

You've probably had this advice already but if you're breast feeding she won't poo as much as formula fed babies but as she's struggling I would go to see your doctor. I tried watered orange juice. She may be too young for a laxative but your doc can prescribe one if they think it's needed.
Good luck to you all.

Unknown said...

I think Mamil has the reason for selling expensive. Mamil contains prebiotics oligosaccharide that helps maintain a good intestinal environment. It also has the highest level of DHA which is very good for kids. Also, Mamil will softer the stools.. so that your kids will not suffer in constipation. There are many benefits provided from Mamil, for sure the price should be higher than other brands what..

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