1. A breastfeeding mother has to be obsessive about what she eats. Not true!
2. A breastfeeding mother has to eat more in order to make enough milk. Not true!
3. A breastfeeding mother has to drink lots of fluids. Not true!
4. A mother who smokes is better not to breastfeed. Not true!
5. A mother should not drink alcohol while breastfeeding. Not true! Reasonable alcohol intake should not be discouraged at all. (How ever I do not agree with anyone drinking while pregnant or breastfeeding.)
6. A mother who bleeds from her nipples should not breastfeed. Not true!
7. A woman who has had breast augmentation surgery cannot breastfeed. Not true!
8. A woman who has had breast reduction surgery cannot breastfeed. Not true!
9. Premature babies need to learn to take bottles before they can start breastfeeding. Not true!
10. Babies with cleft lip and/or palate cannot breastfeed. Not true!
11. Women with small breasts produce less milk than those with large breasts. Nonsense!
12. Breastfeeding does not provide any protection against becoming pregnant. Not true!
13. Breastfeeding women cannot take the birth control pill. Not true!
14. Breastfeeding babies need other types of milk after six months. Not true!
1. Many women do not produce enough milk. Not true!
2. It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt. Not true!
3. There is no (not enough) milk during the first three or four days after birth. Not true!
4. A baby should be on the breast 20 (10, 15, 7.6) minutes on each side. Not true!
5. A breastfeeding baby needs extra water in hot weather. Not true!
6. Breastfeeding babies need extra vitamin D. Not true!
7. A mother should wash her nipples each time before feeding the baby. Not true!
8. Pumping is a good way of knowing how much milk the mother has. Not true!
9. Breastmilk does not contain enough iron for the baby's needs. Not true!
10. It is easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed. Not true!
11. Breastfeeding ties the mother down. Not true!
12. There is no way to know how much breastmilk the baby is getting. Not true!
13. Modern formulas are almost the same as breastmilk. Not true!
14. If the mother has an infection she should stop breastfeeding. Not true!
15. If the baby has diarrhea or vomiting, the mother should stop breastfeeding. Not true!
16. If the mother is taking medicine she should not breastfeed. Not true!
1. Women with flat or inverted nipples cannot breastfeed. Not true!
2. A woman who becomes pregnant must stop breastfeeding. Not true!
3. A baby with diarrhea should not breastfeed. Not true!
4. Babies will stay on the breast for two hours because they like to suck. Not true!
5. Babies need to know how to take a bottle. Therefore a bottle should always be introduced before the baby refuses to take one. Not true!
6. If a mother has surgery, she has to wait a day before restarting nursing. Not true!
7. Breastfeeding twins is too difficult to manage. Not true!
8. Women whose breasts do not enlarge or enlarge only a little during pregnancy, will not produce enough milk. Not true!
9. A mother whose breasts do not seem full has little milk in the breast. Not true!
10. Breastfeeding in public is not decent. Not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11. Breastfeeding a child until 3 or 4 years of age is abnormal and bad for the child, causing an overdependent relationship between mother and child. Not true! Breastfeeding for 2-4 years was the rule in most cultures since the beginning of human time on this planet. Only in the last 100 years or so has breastfeeding been seen as something to be limited. Children nursed into the third year are not overly dependent. On the contrary, they tend to be very secure and thus more independent. They themselves will make the step to stop breastfeeding (with gentle encouragement from the mother), and thus will be secure in their accomplishment.
12. If the baby is off the breast for a few days (weeks), the mother should not restart breastfeeding because the milk sours. Not true!
13. After exercise a mother should not breastfeed. Not true!
14. A breastfeeding mother cannot get a permanent or dye her hair. Not true!
15. Breastfeeding is blamed for everything. True! Family, health professionals, neighbours, friends and taxi drivers will blame breastfeeding if the mother is tired, nervous, weepy, sick, has pain in her knees, has difficulty sleeping, is always sleepy, feels dizzy, is anemic, has a relapse of her arthritis (migraines, or any chronic problem) complains of hair loss, change of vision, ringing in the ears or itchy skin. Breastfeeding will be blamed as the cause of marriage problems and the other children acting up. Breastfeeding is to blame when the mortgage rates go up and the economy is faltering. And whenever there is something that does not fit the "picture book" life, the mother will be advised by everyone that it will be better if she stops breastfeeding.
YET MORE AND MORE MYTHS!( Still think you can't breastfeed?)
1. Nursing mothers cannot breastfeed if they have had X-rays. Not true!
2. Breastfeeding mothers' milk can "dry up" just like that. Not true!
4. Pediatricians, at least, know a lot about breastfeeding. Not true!
5. Formula company literature and formula samples do not influence how long a mother breastfeeds. Really? So why do the formula companies work so hard to make sure that new mothers are given these samples, their company's samples? Are these samples and the literature given out to encourage breastfeeding? Do formula companies take on the cost of the samples and booklets so that mothers will be encouraged to breastfeed longer? The companies often argue that, if the mother does give formula, they want the mother to use their brand. But in competing with each other, the formula companies also compete with breastfeeding. Did you believe that argument when the cigarette companies used it?
6. Breastmilk given with formula may cause problems for the baby. Not true!
7. Babies who are breastfed on demand are likely to be "colicky". Not true!
8. Mothers who receive immunizations (tetanus, rubella, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, etc.) should stop breastfeeding for 24 hours (3 days, 2 weeks). Not true!
9. There is no such thing as nipple confusion. Not true!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mother Nature Loves Breastmilk
This article has run in a number of publications, including: Long Island Parenting News, Tidewater Parent, Parents Express, Potomac Children, L.A. Parent, San Diego Parent, City Parent [Ontario, Canada], All About Kids, and Bay Area Parent, Valley Parent, Sydney's Child [Australia], and Melbourne's Child [Australia]
Mother Nature Loves Breastmilk
© Dia L. Michels
Breast is best is a common adage, and most people can tell you that breastfeeding is good for babies. Some people are even aware that breastfeeding is good for mothers, but few folks are aware that breastfeeding is good for the environment. Saving our world's forests, minimizing destruction of the ozone layer, and curtailing contaminants of our soils and seas are common environmental themes, yet when it comes to taking care of Mother Nature, breastfeeding can't be beat.
Breastmilk may look white, but actually, it is as "green" as can be. The ecological consequences of cloth vs. disposable diapers are debated routinely, yet they are small potatoes compared to the consequences of the breast vs. formula decision. Breastmilk is one of the few foodstuffs produced and delivered to the consumer without any pollution, unnecessary packaging or waste, whereas the production, shipping, and preparation of formula and bottles requires large amounts of water, fuel, glass, plastic and rubber -- and produces significant amounts of garbage.
Many people know that breastfeeding is best for babies. Some people know that breastfeeding offers health benefits to the mother. But very few people realize the importance of breastfeeding for the environment.
Dairy production destroys land and pollutes air and water
Substituting cow's milk (the primary ingredient in infant formula) for breastmilk destroys the water, land and air. Cow manure and urine pollute rivers and ground water, while nitrate fertilizers used to grow feed for dairy cows leach into rivers and water. Cow flatulence releases methane into the atmosphere and is a major contributing factor to the destruction of the ozone layer. It would take 135 million lactating cows just to substitute the breastmilk of the women of India; that many cows would require 43% of the surface of India be devoted to pasture. Land used for pastures often comes from clearing forests, a practice that erodes and depletes the soil.
Artificial feeding causes waste and uses valuable resources
If every child in America were bottle-fed, almost 86,000 tons of tin would be needed to produce 550 million cans for one year's worth of formula. If every mother in the Great Britain breastfed, 3000 tons of paper (used for formula labels) would be saved in a year. But the formula is not the only problem. Bottles and nipples require plastic, glass, rubber, and silicon; production of these materials can be resource-intensive and often leads to end-products that are not-recyclable. All these products use natural resources, cause pollution in their manufacture and distribution, and create trash in their packaging, promotion, and disposal.
Artificial feeding means more tampons, more diapers
Women who practice total, unrestricted breastfeeding average over 14 months without menstruating. Multiply this by the four million US births each year to see that over one billion sanitary products annually could be kept out of our nation's landfills and sewers. To compound the scenario, because breastmilk is absorbed by babies more efficiently; breastfed babies excrete less and thus require fewer diaper changes than formula-fed babies. Manufacturing the additional diapers, menstrual pads, and tampons involves the need for fibers, bleaching and other chemical processes, packaging materials, and fuels.
Breastfeeding lessens infant mortality
Breastfeeding is a more effective method of birth control, world-wide, than all other methods combined -- without taxing the household's financial resources or endangering a woman's health. Mothers who breastfeed exclusively (that is, frequently, on demand, including during the night, and with no supplementation) generally enjoy a significant period of natural birth control. Lactation-induced infertility serves to increase the spacing between births. This is important since children born less than two years apart are almost twice as likely to die as those born more than two years apart.
Breastfeeding reduces over-population
Breastfeeding not only decreases deaths by limiting fertility, the immunizing agents in breastmilk produce healthier babies. Formula-fed babies get sick more often, get sicker, and have higher death rates than breastfed babies. And the health benefits of breastfeeding can be seen throughout life, not just in infancy. Women have more babies when the chances of their children living long enough to care for them in old age is small -- more babies are an insurance strategy. When parents can reasonably expect their children to live into adulthood, they choose to have fewer children.
Breastfeeding - a valuable natural resource
Two years ago, President Clinton, joining an unprecedented worldwide consensus, voted to impose restrictions on the advertising and promotion of infant formula. His vote demonstrates a new American commitment to breastfeeding.
Infant formula represents the case where a superior product is being discarded at significant expense -- to the baby, the mother, and the environment. We need to promote and protect our natural resources, whether they grow in a forest, swim in the sea, or come from our bodies. Let's add breastfeeding to the ways we can honor and cherish the most incredible mother of all -- Mother Nature.
Dia L. Michels P.O. Box 15348 Washington, DC 20003-0348202-546-2356-faxDiaMichels@aol.com
Original file at: http://members.aol.com/diamichels/greenbm.htm
Mother Nature Loves Breastmilk
© Dia L. Michels
Breast is best is a common adage, and most people can tell you that breastfeeding is good for babies. Some people are even aware that breastfeeding is good for mothers, but few folks are aware that breastfeeding is good for the environment. Saving our world's forests, minimizing destruction of the ozone layer, and curtailing contaminants of our soils and seas are common environmental themes, yet when it comes to taking care of Mother Nature, breastfeeding can't be beat.
Breastmilk may look white, but actually, it is as "green" as can be. The ecological consequences of cloth vs. disposable diapers are debated routinely, yet they are small potatoes compared to the consequences of the breast vs. formula decision. Breastmilk is one of the few foodstuffs produced and delivered to the consumer without any pollution, unnecessary packaging or waste, whereas the production, shipping, and preparation of formula and bottles requires large amounts of water, fuel, glass, plastic and rubber -- and produces significant amounts of garbage.
Many people know that breastfeeding is best for babies. Some people know that breastfeeding offers health benefits to the mother. But very few people realize the importance of breastfeeding for the environment.
Dairy production destroys land and pollutes air and water
Substituting cow's milk (the primary ingredient in infant formula) for breastmilk destroys the water, land and air. Cow manure and urine pollute rivers and ground water, while nitrate fertilizers used to grow feed for dairy cows leach into rivers and water. Cow flatulence releases methane into the atmosphere and is a major contributing factor to the destruction of the ozone layer. It would take 135 million lactating cows just to substitute the breastmilk of the women of India; that many cows would require 43% of the surface of India be devoted to pasture. Land used for pastures often comes from clearing forests, a practice that erodes and depletes the soil.
Artificial feeding causes waste and uses valuable resources
If every child in America were bottle-fed, almost 86,000 tons of tin would be needed to produce 550 million cans for one year's worth of formula. If every mother in the Great Britain breastfed, 3000 tons of paper (used for formula labels) would be saved in a year. But the formula is not the only problem. Bottles and nipples require plastic, glass, rubber, and silicon; production of these materials can be resource-intensive and often leads to end-products that are not-recyclable. All these products use natural resources, cause pollution in their manufacture and distribution, and create trash in their packaging, promotion, and disposal.
Artificial feeding means more tampons, more diapers
Women who practice total, unrestricted breastfeeding average over 14 months without menstruating. Multiply this by the four million US births each year to see that over one billion sanitary products annually could be kept out of our nation's landfills and sewers. To compound the scenario, because breastmilk is absorbed by babies more efficiently; breastfed babies excrete less and thus require fewer diaper changes than formula-fed babies. Manufacturing the additional diapers, menstrual pads, and tampons involves the need for fibers, bleaching and other chemical processes, packaging materials, and fuels.
Breastfeeding lessens infant mortality
Breastfeeding is a more effective method of birth control, world-wide, than all other methods combined -- without taxing the household's financial resources or endangering a woman's health. Mothers who breastfeed exclusively (that is, frequently, on demand, including during the night, and with no supplementation) generally enjoy a significant period of natural birth control. Lactation-induced infertility serves to increase the spacing between births. This is important since children born less than two years apart are almost twice as likely to die as those born more than two years apart.
Breastfeeding reduces over-population
Breastfeeding not only decreases deaths by limiting fertility, the immunizing agents in breastmilk produce healthier babies. Formula-fed babies get sick more often, get sicker, and have higher death rates than breastfed babies. And the health benefits of breastfeeding can be seen throughout life, not just in infancy. Women have more babies when the chances of their children living long enough to care for them in old age is small -- more babies are an insurance strategy. When parents can reasonably expect their children to live into adulthood, they choose to have fewer children.
Breastfeeding - a valuable natural resource
Two years ago, President Clinton, joining an unprecedented worldwide consensus, voted to impose restrictions on the advertising and promotion of infant formula. His vote demonstrates a new American commitment to breastfeeding.
Infant formula represents the case where a superior product is being discarded at significant expense -- to the baby, the mother, and the environment. We need to promote and protect our natural resources, whether they grow in a forest, swim in the sea, or come from our bodies. Let's add breastfeeding to the ways we can honor and cherish the most incredible mother of all -- Mother Nature.
Dia L. Michels P.O. Box 15348 Washington, DC 20003-0348202-546-2356-faxDiaMichels@aol.com
Original file at: http://members.aol.com/diamichels/greenbm.htm
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ty Pennington: Endorsing Formula
I am just very very disappointed to learn that one of my very favorite television stars, Ty Pennington is teaming up with Similac, and has created a "Design Your Nursery Guide".
This is just wrong on so many levels.
Number one, why is Similac seeking out celebrities to endorse their product? Advertising formula has been looked down on over and over and OVER again, why are they spending MORE money for MORE advertising?
Number two, why Ty Pennington? He's obviously 100% uninformed about formula, and has NO business advertising it!!!! I am very happy he's decided to have a contest for moms are in need of a nursery, but teaming up with a formula company???? I just don't see the point at all.
Similac has a brand new product, which they are anxious to sell. The site is littered with lies. The false advertising is still there, as always. Some examples:
Similac Advance Early Shield: Closer than ever to breast milk.
Early Shield: Designed to be more like breast milk and to support a strong immune system.
Similac Advance: Has DHA and ARA, ingredients shown to help baby's brain and eyes develop.
The new product comes in a fancy new flip-top container, and there in the middle, is Ty Pennington, grinning and happily trying to sell this product without even knowing anything about it.
I think I will have to withdraw my support. I have lost all respect for him.
This is just wrong on so many levels.
Number one, why is Similac seeking out celebrities to endorse their product? Advertising formula has been looked down on over and over and OVER again, why are they spending MORE money for MORE advertising?
Number two, why Ty Pennington? He's obviously 100% uninformed about formula, and has NO business advertising it!!!! I am very happy he's decided to have a contest for moms are in need of a nursery, but teaming up with a formula company???? I just don't see the point at all.
Similac has a brand new product, which they are anxious to sell. The site is littered with lies. The false advertising is still there, as always. Some examples:
Similac Advance Early Shield: Closer than ever to breast milk.
Early Shield: Designed to be more like breast milk and to support a strong immune system.
Similac Advance: Has DHA and ARA, ingredients shown to help baby's brain and eyes develop.
The new product comes in a fancy new flip-top container, and there in the middle, is Ty Pennington, grinning and happily trying to sell this product without even knowing anything about it.
I think I will have to withdraw my support. I have lost all respect for him.

Ty Pennington Endorses Artificial Milk. :(
There's even a video!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Breastfeeding Question on Exam
Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam.
The last question was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk, worth 70 points or none at all.
One student , in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages.
He wrote:
1. ) It is perfect for the child.
2.) It provides immunity against several diseases.
3.) It is always the right temperature.
4.) It is inexpensive.
5.) It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa.
6.) It is always available as needed.
And then, the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell indicating the end of the test rang, he wrote...
7.) It comes in cute containers.
He got an A
The last question was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk, worth 70 points or none at all.
One student , in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages.
He wrote:
1. ) It is perfect for the child.
2.) It provides immunity against several diseases.
3.) It is always the right temperature.
4.) It is inexpensive.
5.) It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa.
6.) It is always available as needed.
And then, the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell indicating the end of the test rang, he wrote...
7.) It comes in cute containers.
He got an A
Monday, September 1, 2008
Breastfeeding Onesies, T-Shirts and Rompers For Sale
Breastfeeding onesies, rompers, tank tops and t-shirts for sale. They are 15 dollars apiece, and all proceeds go to BLISS.
There are tonnes of colors available, and come in sizes from newborn up to 3x.
Any slogans can be put on any shirt.
We take orders, as well.
To see more, please view my album:
There are tonnes of colors available, and come in sizes from newborn up to 3x.
Any slogans can be put on any shirt.
We take orders, as well.
To see more, please view my album:
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