Sugar for newborns does not relieve pain: study
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EmailPrint.. AFP/File – A nurse attending to newborn infants in a maternity ward of a hospital. Contrary to international guidelines, … .– Wed Sep 1, 7:04 pm ET
PARIS (AFP) – Contrary to international guidelines, sugar given to newborn babies does not ease pain, according to a study published on Thursday by The Lancet.
In 2001, doctors published recommendations, based on a series of trials, that oral sucrose be administered to newborns to help relieve pain from invasive procedures.
But a new look suggests that sucrose does not reduce pain signals in the brain or spinal cord, but merely changes the babies' facial expression, which gives a false impression that pain is being relieved.
Rebeccah Slater of University College London and colleagues pricked the heels of 59 newborns with a small blade -- a procedure that was required anyway to draw a blood sample -- and monitored pain activity in the brain and spine using electrode caps.
The infants were assigned either sterile water or a sucrose solution, placed on the tongue by a tiny syringe.
Pain activity did not differ significantly between the two groups.
"The absence of evidence for an analgesic action of sucrose in this study, together with uncertainty over the long-term benefits of repeated sucrose administration, suggest that sucrose should not be used routinely for procedural pain in infants without further investigation," Slater's team said.
Would YOU want to be given sugar for pain relief? I doubt it would work for adults to be given sugar for pain relief!
I can't imagine giving my older children sugar when they have a pain! This makes NO SENSE to me! WHO thought of this crap!
How the hell could anyone trained in pediatrics think that sugar would be a pain reliever ???
I know next to nothing about doctoring and I could figure that out.
Just seeing the picture of those little ones... I think it's time for another one :)
Newborn Feeding
I'm a NICU nurse, and sucrose definitely does SOMETHING for them. It doesn't relieve pain, obviously, but it makes them blissful for a few minutes, so they aren't as bothered. We give it a couple of minutes before the procedure, and they love it! It might not do a lot, but it's better thhan nothing when they have tovhave blood work or have an IV started. There's not really anything else to give them for that.
I'm a NICU nurse, and sucrose definitely does SOMETHING for them. It doesn't relieve pain, obviously, but it makes them blissful for a few minutes, so they aren't as bothered. We give it a couple of minutes before the procedure, and they love it! It might not do a lot, but it's better thhan nothing when they have tovhave blood work or have an IV started. There's not really anything else to give them for that.
I too am an NICU RN--and while 24% sucrose (Sweet Ease) may do SOMETHING for newborns it isn't anything good for the newborn intestinal tract. Research is readily available that clearly identifies that breast milk and colostrum are the ONLY two substances which are beneficial for the sterile gut---yet most of our medical providers practice on precedence--and do NOT provide EVIDENCE BASED CARE. Evidence says that sucrose is a bad idea for neonates!
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